Funeral of judge killed by gunman

Mourners gathered yesterday to remember a federal judge who was among six people killed when a man shot a US congresswoman and people in the crowd in Tucson, Arizona last Saturday.

District Judge John Roll, who served almost 40 years, had called at the event after attending Mass to speak to Representative Gabrielle Giffords. The Democratic congresswoman was among 13 people wounded.

Security was tight for the funeral at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. As the hearse entered the church car park, marshals checked the identities of those attending. Four coaches brought dozens of judges who knew Mr Roll, and many who came did not get in. Journalists were barred.

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"He was just a tremendous person, everyone respected him," said Michael Massee, 48, who served as a law clerk for him in the district court in Tucson.

On Thursday, about 2,000 mourners packed the same church to honour the youngest person killed, nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green.

Police have arrested 22-year-old Jared Loughner for the shootings. Authorities have yet to determine a motive.

Mrs Giffords has been showing signs of recovery since she was shot in the head on Saturday. Dr Michael Lemole said yesterday that her eyes were opening more frequently and she could carry out more complex sequences of activity in response to commands and on her own.

Her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, posted a message on Twitter yesterday saying "GG" was "improving each day".